Though making a profit is one of the reasons why business able to exist in the market, but there many other responsibilities they have,
as social responsibilities. Most important social responsibilities that corporations have been trying to do is to protect the environment. Linking Words
In addition
to Linking Words
, there are several ways the corporation can fulfil their duties; Linking Words
as they reduce in the manufacturing process.
Most of the company around the world are always looking to make more and more money. Linking Words
, there are many social duties that company often take as part of their business plan. Linking Words
, many corporate leaders around the world are now pledged to reduce the waste they are generating. Linking Words
For example
, recently, in the US, the international soft drink group Coke announces that they will collect all plastic bottles they are going to sell for now. In short, though social duties generally do not convert into profit, but it will certainly help the companies to show that they Linking Words
care about other social issues.
I order to fulfil their social duties companies can do so many things in so many ways. Linking Words
To begin
with, farmers are often considered as the back of the nation. Linking Words
, since corporate most of the times make the tons of profit; so, it should be their social responsibilities to help them, if they are in need. Linking Words
For instance
, in India, Linking Words
year, the multinational company of chips, Lays took the responsibilities to educate and train the farmer to produce the excellent quality of potatoes for their products. In sum, now it is not unusual that the corporate involve in a social cause.
To conclude, Linking Words
making a earnings is the core of the business plan, Linking Words
, they are now more focusing on social issues as well. In spite of that, social duties does not give any return, association nowadays more incline to take at least one social problem and try to solve it.Linking Words
Sunny Agarwal