Future career plays a crucial role for teenagers. The high school curriculum is driven in two series of academic and vocational training modules.
application facilitates students to orientate profession, develop their strengths and interests. Meanwhile, the society will take advantage of bright future human resources.
The academic modules allow students to pursue their interests and develop their strengths. Linking Words
course helps students focus the intensive theory and practice about the fields they want to achieve. Linking Words
For example
, those who aim to follow the research, they could put sufficient time and efforts on completing their work. Linking Words
, it increases the opportunities for practicing and obtaining the necessary knowledge and skills in the study. Another advantage is to lessen the pressure of completing much school task simultaneously. Students are Linking Words
encouraged to do projects, assignments and group performance relating to the subjects, which upgrades their skills in work completion and learning autonomy.
Vocational training is Linking Words
an essential provider for potential human resources in the future. Beside the intelligence in knowledge, the job orientation directs students' efforts on the qualified skills and proper visions for the positions they possibly follow. Linking Words
For example
, students' interest in engineering is inclined to get involved in dealing with machines or electrical equipment under the guidance of teachers and experienced staffs. Linking Words
In addition
, they are provided with the chances to do internship and short-term training session where discussion and exchange with experts promotes their awareness of the job and professional working environment. Linking Words
model will lessen the training process for future workers.
In conclusion, the two streams of study at secondary and high schools in various countries are beneficial to the students and our society. Students will benefit from excellence investment and aspiration to nurture the dream jobs available in the labour market.Linking Words
Nany Phunny