Traffic and house related problems can be resolved by locating major companies, factories in the countryside. I agree, with
statement completely. As, these all make the country very crowded and due to that the difficulty level of the citizen increases.
Nowadays, the increment in traffic is a big issue as, people complain about it now and Linking Words
. It seriously is a problem as they get late for their jobs, and many other important tasks. Sometimes, even the ambulance gets stuck due to congestion. Linking Words
, there is a parking problem as these large institutes have multiple number of workers and almost every worker has their own vehicle which piles to many count of vehicles. Linking Words
For example
, statistically 30 % of patients die due to these issues and 20 % of them go to the hospital and the doctor narrates that if you were 5 minutes early I could have saved him.
Linking Words
, these companies use hazardous chemicals and not only that they transfer that into water, which is being used for household activities. Due to, that people get affected in diseases Linking Words
as cholera, pneumonia. Linking Words
, that factory Linking Words
Linking Words
also cause
air pollution, which is Suggestion
also causes
a great thing to note down. Linking Words
For instance
, 80 % of these places dump their waste here and there which in effect produce problematic situation.
In conclusion, they should be shifted to the countryside so that it can be solved easily. Linking Words
, speaking if they stop dumping these waste and resolves the traffic it can condemn the decision. So, personally Linking Words
was my view on Linking Words
particular topic.Linking Words
krina patel