Currently, there is a growing trend among parents to fulfil their children’s every demand and to give them as much freedom as they want.
is not a positive parenting style and even worse, it causes adverse outcomes for young people.To raise good children, parents have to choose an appropriate way. It is advisable that they keep a certain discipline Linking Words
of complying with all orders from kids. They had better refused to an unreasonable request, for examples, to own a smart phone at the age of five. Linking Words
Linking Words
Also when
children have too much freedom they may get into bad things. Accept comma addition
Also, when
For example
, it is quite possible for them to get into bad company and develop habits like smoking and drinking.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, some parents considered to spoil their own children in some ways.Kids may be nice when their wants are satisfied, they will be disobedient and become aggressively behaved when rejected. Gradually, Linking Words
will form a bad habit in young people. In the long term, overly indulged children are likely to become either dependent adults who have no determination to achieve their goals, or perverse and selfish youngsters who use every trick or even commit crime to get what they desire.
To conclude, I strongly believe that parents who fulfil all the wishes of their children hurt their normal development by preventing them from learning important life skills. Linking Words
, children who are used to having all of their wishes are fulfilled are more likely to be selfish and self-centred.Linking Words