Choosing a career with a high earnings is an important consideration to be taken. Type of employment will sometime decide the earnings or pay of an individual.
essay illustrates the pros and cons of the position against the income. Linking Words
, the writer shares an example from the past experience.
On the one hand, it is completely agreed to consider the pay structure with the type of post we tend to choose. Normally, most of the university passed out students will look for a better pay than the company during the campus placement. Linking Words
In addition
to that, even an experienced candidate will Linking Words
look for a better opportunity with the payroll hike to fulfil the financial needs. For an instance, an individual with a personal loan or any kind of debt to pay will always look for the highest earning profile than the most favourable industry, an individual could enjoy doing it. Having said that, Linking Words
for example
, a human with a masters degree in foundation as mechanical, if asked to choose between the technical post with lower fixed payments and a marketing profession with variable pay plus commission for sale, Linking Words
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individual will surely choose the marketing post to fulfil the financial needs. So, the human with financial needs will always look for the money aspects than the technicality of work.
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On the other hand
, it is disagreed to choose the job based on the income. Income may increase with the gain of experience. It is always better to look peace and fun at the most favourable task than compromise it based on salary. Linking Words
In other words
, one cannot sustain for long term, if we cannot enjoy the task. For an instance, an individual with high technical expertise will always look for the employment type or expertise than the payroll. Linking Words
For example
, a person with a masters in mechanical -machine design will not compromise with the professional work over finance. So, Linking Words
person will always want to pursue an employment growth in the same field, even if it is a same company without much of salary hike.
To conclude, it is always contradicting to say which part of life will matter most either favourable day job or earnings, as it varies with every individual on their needs. In my experience, salary will give a little higher side of role compared to the occupation type, as there is always the money or financial responsibility factor that matters at the end.Linking Words
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