Over the
decade, a drastic variation has been observed especially in the modes of transportation. Some people believe that the invention of vehicles has proven to be advantageous Linking Words
the other group, including me, is prone to incline towards the opposite view which entrusts vice-versa. In Linking Words
essay, we will validate both these aspects in detail.
Undoubtedly, modern technology has provided all the answers to certain pre-existing generic problems like manual labour, medical-related issues and many more, Linking Words
one Linking Words
major issue was to commute. The introduction of cars, bikes to the masses behaved like a blessing to the humankind as not only it promoted time-saving but, Linking Words
diminished physical efforts. Linking Words
As a result
, these self-service automobiles lead to confining animal cruelty up to a great extent. Linking Words
In addition
to Linking Words
, the real appreciation relies on the fact that they keep on upgrading the automation on vehicles with the varying times Linking Words
for instance
, self-drive and air suspension technology are now a reality, which seemed distant up until some time ago.
Linking Words
On the contrary
, these automobiles are well-known for damaging our environment in a gigantic manner. On the one hand, Linking Words
technology promises a comfortable ride to its commuters Linking Words
, Linking Words
on the other hand
, it is constantly creating a dent in mother nature’s soul. Linking Words
, pollution being a sole big example, it can Linking Words
be sub-categorised into noise pollution and eventually hinders the currently prevailing air quality and so on.
In a nutshell, I would like to say that despite having numerous benefits, inventions like these are hampering the atmosphere Linking Words
it should be monitored strictly by the respective authorities. Nowadays, a step that has been applauded by many folks is that the manufacturers are inclining towards more Compressed Natural Gas cars and inaugurating electronic vehicles on the road. Albeit CNG cars are common in some countries, but it’s testing is still under process. Needless to say, the aforementioned change will affect us in multiple ways which will be a boon to personal health as well as for our home planet.Linking Words