The table illustrates sales at a small restaurant located in a downtown business district.
Overall, sales at
lunch timeCorrect your spelling
The word lunch time seems to be miswritten. Consider replacing it.
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were the highest on Wednesday and the lowest on Sunday and on the same day
Add a comma
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it was the lowest for dinner too. Most sales
occuredCorrect your spelling
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on Friday for dinner.
Categorically, for lunch, sales on Monday and Tuesday were nearly
sAdd an article
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ame and it
wereChange the verb form
The verb were does not seem to agree with the subject. Consider changing the verb form.
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around $2,400. For Wednesday, it
wereChange the verb form
It appears that the subject pronoun it and the verb were are not in agreement. Consider changing the verb.
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$2,595 and that was the highest among all days from October 7th to 13th. On Thursday, sales decreased a bit and on Friday
itChange the pronoun
It appears that the pronoun it is in the wrong form. Consider changing it.
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wereChange the verb form
The verb were does not seem to agree with the subject. Consider changing the verb form.
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$2,500. On Sunday, the sales were the least and were around $1,500 which were $400 less than on Saturday.
Moving on to dinner, the sale was nearly
sAdd an article
It appears that an article is missing before the word same. Consider adding the article.
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ame from Monday to Thursday which was around $3,800 except Monday, and on Monday it was $3,623. On Friday night, the sale was maximum and was around $4,350. Again the sale decreased on weekend and it was $2,900 and $2,450 for Saturday and Sunday respectively.