IELTS Writing Samples Band 2

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Think about someone who has encouraged you in life. How have they encouraged you? Give specific examples.
Having a job is very important to build your future. In my openion being free in choosing your job is important. Also thinking about your future while choosing your job is important.
Nowadays,many humans spending more time on job.While this can be attributed to earning more at work and make strong career,these reasons impact on people's health and they do not spend much time with family
Nowadays one of our mean problem is having large number of gyms but sedentary lifestyle is gaining popularity in the world . And this result of people who don’t favor gym and people have problems with their mental health or just because they’re in depression.
First of all, cybercrime comes from networks. The network provides other's identity for ourselves. This identity is different for our real identity. People think network identity is a protection which is others will not know their real identity. Therefore, people doing some unacceptable actions. For instance, lied other's money, lie people send sex photos and force them paying money to delete photos. The cause of cybercrime is autonomy.
At least a quarter of our current population have debated a creation of art being or not being available for everyone.While ones believe its pivoted into human nature others highly doubt it by refering to need of special skills and talent, but who is right?
Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language can indeed cause both social problems and practical problems. However, the extent to which these issues affect an individual can vary greatly depending on various factors.
The better appearance , the more respectful you received. Nowadays, people judge others by thier appearance in only one second. Therefore , the number of plastic surgery is increasing. Makeup can make some of thier appearnaces different. However, it cannot change anatomical structures of the face.
Firstly i would like to discuss both sides and try to be fair with each side so I will begin taking about the first side which they claim that paparazzi should not follow celebrities and invade their privacy and I would totally agree because when you put yourself in their shoes and take the time to really think about it you will realize that it is actually very annoying and uncomfrtable it would be to have pictures of you when ever or where ever you go. Although the other side that thinks that believe this is just the price of fame i would also totally agree. For the simple fact that this is the price of fame, sadly fame isn't only about being loved and rich or so on it also has a very dark side to it that not many celebrities talk about such as paparazzi invadeing their privacy and taking photos of the all the time.
The percentage of burn weight rose by 20 percent by recently ten years who many majority of young people. The reason why, a lot of influence person demonstrate their thin body and has a bed healty.
Nowadays, The world much more need to be germinated because our natural resource will be jeoparsized therefore I strongly support this change and this essay will examine advantages of vegatitions.
There is no denying the fact that activities are crucial to the health of people.While commonly held belief that the activities better to do it by yourself.In the essay, I will discuss all sides, and I will shed light on the advantages and disadvantages as a result, I will draw on my personal .
The map below is of the urban of Garlsdon. A new grocery store is expected for the city. The map shows two alternative sites for the grocery store.
There is no doubt technology techange the life of humanbeing , espically social madia has strong impact in communication , personally i agree with this statment and i will discuss this issue more in my essay.
The line graph ilustrates the consumption of three various kinds of fast food in Britain from 1970 to 1990.
There is a debate over how teengers should use ofter school spare time,with some people saying adults should do job half-time and earn money and others arguing teens should not sacrifice their reponse and after school activities to job.In my view,teengers working part-time job has many benefits than after school actions.
It is a common belief that social media exersts a negative influence on individuals. I also agree that many people should be baned to use social media. This because social media has many problems all over the world.
In these days most of countries spend huge amouts of money world sporting events such as the Olympic Games and football World Cup. But other people think support young children to motivate them to do their best.
For the life of all human taking rks will le impordant. This essay will touch on the benefits and drowbacks of taking rists.
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