Nowadays, Virtual technologies have become an inevitable part of our lives. Many people believe that items different places for products is greatly reduced.
as books, flight travel tickets and commodities can be purchased with a click. While some think virtual shopping has disadvantages, I completely agree that the internet is getting more famous for shopping due to its unique benefits. In Linking Words
essay, I will provide its merits and its demerits with examples.
On the one hand, the web provides the convenience to purchase different items under one roof. Linking Words
In other words
, every type of items belonging to different categories can be purchased from a single point of the online source. Linking Words
For instance
, in Amazon site, booking is feasible for travel tickets, dresses, groceries and various other items. It relieves pressure from individual to visit alternative sources for their different needs and provide them with a unique solution at a single point. Linking Words
In addition
, on the web,a variety of options are available regarding different products. it helps the customers as the time taken to travelLinking Words
Verify preposition usage
For example
, dresses of unlimited design and varied colour can be obtained through online medium. Linking Words
, The internet is a single destination for varied categories.
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On the other hand
, those who think that virtual shopping is a concern argues that it motivates online financial malpractice. Linking Words
is because,with an increase in online shopping , a spike in online transaction is observed, which has increased online phishing practice. To illustrate,imposters send a link to consumers, providing them with a discount on online materials. On clicking Linking Words
link, account details of the user are accessed by the imposter, which can be used to withdraw money from individuals accounts. Linking Words
, Linking Words
type of malpractices is increasing due to the surge in online shopping.
In conclusion, though there is an increase of online fraudulent cases, the ease to purchase a variety of items from a single source and a varied option for customer clearly outweighs the demerits of online shopping.Linking Words