There is an increasing trend around the world to have a small family rather than a large family. What are the advantages of having a small family rather than a large family?

There is no doubt that people have a different opinion regarding the size of the family. In my opinion, I prefer the smaller version since
mostly ensures the financial stability and close-knit relationships among them. The
and foremost benefit of
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nuclear family is financial stability.
In other words
, salaries of parents can efficiently use for various constructive purposes,
for instance
, saving for future, and paying bills and so on.
, children of these families are taken cared
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in a high standard manner and give the best possible education to kids as they could afford child expenses. While in the extended one, they may find some difficulty to provide basic requirements to its members.
, the small type of family less likely to suffer from any economic issue in the future. Another merit of a mall family is that love and affection between members.
is because as they have only
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ew members, they understand and feel for others all the time , due to
, they try to connect and stay in touch in most of the time. Even if any misunderstanding arises,
would be resolved within them amicably. In many
for example
, show unconditional love and trust between them and few issues. Alternatively, in
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family, they may not have enough time for others since they work all day to meet both ends. In conclusion, there are two views about family size. I firmly believe that the nuclear family has many merits than the larger one in terms of money and emotional connections.It is recommended that many countries require to adopt a small family norm for a better future.
Submitted by Sal on

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Answer the 'Advantages and Disadvantages' topic

IELTS advantages and disadvantages questions normally give you a statement and ask you to comment on the advantages and disadvantages of that statement.

Answer structure for the type of essay

  • Introduction
  • Body paragraph 1 – advantages
  • Body paragraph 2 – disadvantages
  • Conclusion

Examples to start your body paragraph:

  • The main advantage is...
  • The disadvantage of this...
  • The main benefit...
  • Despite these advantages...
  • One possible drawback...

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Financial stability
  • Living standards
  • Concentrated resources
  • Parent-child bonding
  • Upbringing
  • Environmental sustainability
  • Carbon footprint
  • Supportive network
  • Cooperation
  • Multigenerational
  • Cultural traditions
  • Agricultural communities
  • Loneliness
  • Social competencies
  • Financial strain
  • Resource dilution
  • Education opportunities
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