many people think that we should protect animals do you agree or disagree

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Animals play a crucial role to maintain the ecological balance of our environment. Majority of people have stepped forward to protect the animals from unacceptable and ill-treatment, so I believe that there are two major concerns to look at;
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, animal testing and
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, animal consumption.
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essay shall enlighten both these views.
To begin
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with, the primary reason why people are concerned is the testing on animals which is considered to be an abusive treatment towards these living creatures.
For instance
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, a plethora of medicines and cosmetics have to undergo animal testing in order to provide it to people.
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, zoophilists are running a campaign to secure them from
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brutal behaviour, so that they can equally survive without any torture.
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, animal slaughter is another area of concern. The industries in order to make money kill the animals for food.
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, in order to safeguard the animals from their consumption in sustenance, a lot of people are getting converted into vegan.
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the percentage is very low, the awareness is exorbitant, especially among the young generation. According to them, these living entities have equal rights to live on
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planet by their own choice rather than being hunted by some people for food or fun. To conclude, killing animals for experiment, nourishment or hunting for blood sports is truly a non-tolerable act.
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some people do not agree, we should not forget that they are equivalent.
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, the Government must implement a few laws on animal rights and welfare.

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • biodiversity
  • ecosystem
  • conservation status
  • ecological significance
  • holistic approach
  • endangered species
  • natural heritage
  • unforeseen negative impacts
  • economically non-viable
  • prioritization
  • ecosystem balance
  • conservation efforts
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