contemporary era, education has become a key element for the advancement of society, and in
regard, it is widely asserted that governments must spend a considerable percentage of public finances towards teaching
subjects predominantly to children as well as adults for the progress of the nation. Other subjects that are of less value or do not provide a promising future must be sub-funded. I completely agree with
notion, as it has immense benefits.
To being with, nowadays, with the advancement in technology, it is imperative that every individual must be obligated to learn
and relevant subjects predominantly. The central reason behind
is twofold,
, as new technologies emergy day in day out, it is the utmost responsibility of the authorities to keep students on par with the latest inventions and not letting them being outdated, which will have repercussions later.
, being a
-literate opens the student's mind to new and wider dimensions, which might inspire and aid the pupil to come up with new innovations in the future and
would undoubtedly pay dividends. Galileo,
, was addicted to studying
more often and after mastering it, he discovered long-distant planets accurately, and surprisingly it was the government of that time that funded his studies and inventions.
, in
technically progressing world, being inundated with
as physics, chemistry, and astrology, provides ample opportunities for those who religiously studies them.
, non-
as history, moral
, and English,
providing marginal job opportunities and good skills, do not help in the cognitive development of the graduates and could confine students from utilizing their potential to the fullest.
, it is apparent that governments must allocate a huge sum of their budget towards studying
and lessen the budget on other subjects which does not add much value in comparison to what
could enormously offer.
To sum up, it is certainly the case that both developed and developing governments must maximize allocating their budget towards aiding students and graduates to pursue studying
, as the price to learn the subject full time is undoubtedly exorbitant.
, I agree with the idea that authorities must spend marginally a higher amount towards teaching
and comparatively lesser on other subjects that offer lesser job prospects and do not guarantee a better future for kids and adults.