It is argued that the most effective way to improve the academic performance of students below average is to engage them in extra moral classes to ensure their achievements shows significant improvement and as they become more incorporated with the school activities.
, I strongly disagree with Linking Words
idea because they are better methods to improve a child's academic results Linking Words
as, streaming and obtaining their trusts.
Linking Words
, separating these pupils into sections per performance enables the teacher can tailor the lesson to meet their specific needs rather than spending the whole day in a general class where they end up understanding nothing. Linking Words
For instance
, it is evident that streaming enhanced the results of underperformed students by 20% in Enugu state. Clearly, it is a tremendous improvement extra school hours would not achieve. Linking Words
, it is a more efficient educating pattern.
Linking Words
, these teens may become unhappy due to, the extended class time Linking Words
as a result
, no extra knowledge would be impacted. Linking Words
For example
, a recent study shows that teens attain more positive level if they key into the task at hand, Linking Words
in other words
, getting their loyalty is a better means to nurture growth and development in their study. So an improved academic achievement would be visible once the kids understand the goal. It is apparent that long class sections would not produce Linking Words
expected output.
To conclude, it is presumed that the most efficient method to help low performing students is by obligatory after school classes but I strongly stand against Remove the article
idea owing to, they are Linking Words
ore result-oriented modified avenue to achieve the desired target like separating them according to the level of their academic strength as well as, acquiring the teen's loyalty.Add an article