many people reckon that modern technology has brought more downsides than benefits, I firmly disagree with that and believe that current devices assist society in myriad ways ranging from keeping in touch with relatives to guiding us the right route while we are travelling.
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devices as smartphones and tablets have made sure that relatives can communicate with each other whenever they want to and wherever they are. Linking Words
strengthens relationships and gives to elder people the opportunity to feel close to their children or grandchildren even when they are abroad. Eventually, Linking Words
reduces anxiety and depression and increases blessing and we can have happier people. Linking Words
For example
, in past times without apps as Skype or Telegram, people were compelled to write and send paper letters, waited for a recipient to receive it and Linking Words
struggled for an answer. Linking Words
, it took much time and during Linking Words
time worries and frustration could take over individuals.
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, never before can people receive help as quickly as now thanks to the technologies. In days gone by any accidents or unpredictable circumstances in which a person appeared could end up fatally because there was no Internet and no way to call on help. Linking Words
For instance
, if you had been lost in a rainforest or in the desert or on the top of a mountain, you would not have connected to rescuers or turned on GPS-navigation in order to find a route. Linking Words
was completely impossible and led to the eath of famine or freezing or so.
In conclusion, I totally disagree that current devices are more detrimental than advantageous because they are able to make people closer and happier. Linking Words
, they can rescue people’s lives and prevent fatal disasters.Linking Words