Succesful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion Give reason for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Nowadays, sports have become an important part of many people's life. Some people play them just for entertainment and others have it as a profession, how they earn money in life. Professional players have a really good income, even more than other important professions.
, some people believe that it is unfair the income of money they earn compared with other professionals while others think it is fairly justified. In
essay,I will
discuss both points of views and give my opinion. Recently, sports have become really important lately, as many people live from it. They
earn a good income which in one part is justified. One of the reasons is that professional player has a tough training every day
combined with a strict diet which no all of them can cope with it and
fail in their profession. Other reason could be that
for example
, as a football player you need to run and have your muscles prepared,
you could suffer injuries that could be the end of your career.
For instance
, Leo Messi suffered an injury in his left knee which after a couple of operations couldn't recover from it,
, that was a really sad day due to one of the most famous football players has announced his retirement on the soccer field.
, it is quite unfair that many professionals
as doctors, teachers or even one of the lowest-paid profession, cleaners, get less than that guild who are vastly for entertainment.
For example
, doctors are doing every day a tough work too, but in a different aspect. They previously need to study lots of years to become a doctor.
, when they start working, they are under a lot of pressure either because they are trying to diagnose an illness or saving someone life. As doctors
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are many important professions that we could not live without them. To sum up, I believe that sports players are unfaired paid compared with other professions.
, and how I said before professional players are mostly for entertainment but we could live without them, even though,we could not live without doctors, nurses, teacher and other professionals because they bring so many benefits to society.
Submitted by claudiagirl997 on

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