Recently, there have been many arguments on whether we, people, should consume fewer natural resources or be encouraged to recycle more to maintain the green ecosystem as well as to fulfil the demand of the general public. I partially agree with the above statement and in
essay, I will explain why I do not completely approve that we should be fortified to Linking Words
less environmental reserves.
Use synonyms
To begin
with, there is enough evidence to support the idea that it is a must for everyone to consume less raw materials as Linking Words
will maintain biodiversity and increase the chances of our future generation survival. Saving energy, especially electricity, could help us to utilise more Linking Words
for other areas where it should be used wisely. Replace the word
For instance
, in developing countries, Linking Words
as Pakistan, many villages are living in darkness because of the lack of electricity. Even though they are willing to pay for service, unfortunately, the demand cannot be fulfilled because of the overconsumption of lights in urban areas. Linking Words
, people have to live without heat and light due to the improper management of energy resources.
Linking Words
, it is Linking Words
undeniable that recycling more can help us sustain the emerald environment. It is observed that most of the waste materials from industries, vehicles and daily Linking Words
for various purposes end up in the ocean. All around the world, it is common that seashores are filled with plastic garbage which has been increasingly used in every part of the world and needs to be reduced, reused and recycled as it is destroying our natural habitats and exterminating organisms. Use synonyms
, it is our duty to participate actively in recycling activities and make every effort to reduce pollution as much as possible.
To conclude, in maintaining biodiversity for future generations, it is important that not only should we reduce the Linking Words
of natural resources, but we should recycle more often for the materials that we Use synonyms
or have used.Use synonyms