Parents are the best teacher. Do you agree or disagree?

Parents teach many valuable skills to their offspring’s. They are ‘The Pole Star’ of their offsprings. I firmly believe that they are the
and best teacher. In upcoming paragraphs
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I will discuss my opinion in detail. To start with, Parents work as bacon light for their kids since their birth.
In other words
, Children learn different skills and values by copying others like walking, eating, communication and cultural values etc. and parents comes at
place whom a child imitate consciously and unconsciously and learn these important lessons. The values leant from parent’s gives direction to children’s life.
For example
, kids schooling starts from the age of 3 or 4 but learning at home begins since the birth of a child.
, children spend most of their time under parent’s observation;
they can understand kids even better than their teachers. To illustrate, parents enjoy a strong bond with their children and
understand their behaviour better than others
it is much easier for them to impart valuable skills in them in a playful manner.
For example
, many moral values and skills can be taught to children through stories and children love to listen
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stories from their parents and grandparents. To conclude, though children learn many important skills in schools, the role of parents in their children education is crucial too. Children’s language development starts at home and is highly influenced by their parents speaking pattern. The role of
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eacher in student’s life is restricted within school or college boundary but Parents continue to guide them throughout their life
they are rightly said the best teachers.
Submitted by arorasahib81 on

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