Some people prefer to get up early in the morning and start the day’s work. Others prefer to get up later in the day and work until late at night. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

The majority of the masses choose to wake up before the usual time and begin their daily work.
others tend to get up late opportunity in the
and be at work until midnight. In my opinion, I opt for regular working hours as it is beneficial to strength and wealth. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall explain my point of view. On the one hand, the prevailing habits from many years followed traditionally.
a portion of people had been following to wake up early in early hours from bed, intending to markup their
's activities.
As a result
, it produces a plethora of well-being benefits.
that, they are always active for the remaining
and have enough sleep for the
during normal hours.
For example
, in rural areas, usually, farmers wake up at 5 am in the morning, preparing food for lunchtime.
, they will be forming the corp during the sunlight,
, formers have D Vitamin naturally without spending money.
On the other hand
, traditional cultures have been ruled out by the current generation as living in the digital world. In order to, young people spend a vast amount of time at midnight, which causes sleeping disorders to intend to sleep over midnight.
, getting up from bed at midday
Remove the comma
show examples
affects their fitness, and daily meeting schedules.
, sometimes they are sick without a valid reason.
For instance
, a recent survey conducted by the Directory of Health on people's sleeping patterns, report says they had followed sleep regularly times, and are hospitalization ratio was quite lower than those who hadn't.
In addition
, earning more profits in a year without spending on inevitable expenses. In conclusion, it was proven that lack of sleep causes illness the well-being, and sometimes it leads to death.
, maintaining a proper healthy diet leads to a stronger and stronger life.
Submitted by praveenmodi28596 on

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Avoid repetition of ideas and words like 'regular hours.' It can make your essay appear redundant.
Task Response
Focus on more detailed examples to substantiate your points. For instance, you could explain more specific benefits or disadvantages people might face with their respective routines.
You have a clear introduction and conclusion, which help frame your essay effectively.
Task Response
Your essay attempts to provide reasons and examples, showing your effort in presenting a reasoned argument.
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