In the modern era, The huge amount of sources regarding health issues are posted by people on many websites. It is believed by some that It has positive impacts on users life, while others have contradicted view. I partly agree with
statement. In Linking Words
essay, I would shed light on both sides before a reasonable conclusion can drown.
Linking Words
, Some people in the favour of Linking Words
online medical science because they assert that It makes their life easier. Linking Words
In other words
, It helps to provide best Linking Words
-aid methods in some emergency cases because with the aid of free e-medical knowledge people can save someone's life before the doctor's arrangement. Linking Words
, It is good for short time Linking Words
If individuals have any problem at the middle of the night and they living in the remort areas, where a doctor or other medical facilities are not available at that time online data can play a crucial role for short-term solutions.
On the other side, It is an irrefutable fact that without the medical professional taking any pills can be dangerous because them recent study showed that around 50% of people suffering from side effects of wrong medication in Canada. Linking Words
In addition
to Linking Words
, many internet medical websites run by unprofessional citizens without the knowledge of medical science. which leads to being unwanted results. Linking Words
, Due to the easy availability of medicines material folks avoid to concern doctors or pharmacists for a small issue like pain or deep cut and they use their own medication, but after some time these small problems become a huge disease like Cancer. Linking Words
For example
, the 70% population in India has no medical coverage. So, they use Linking Words
online knowledge to solve their health-related problem. Which sometimes has a negative impact that way around India has a big number of heart attack related deaths.
To conclude, I would like to state that It has both positive and negative effects on society. Linking Words
, I believe that each coin has two sides. So, It,s depend on people how they use Linking Words
for their own benefits. Doctors cannot be replaced by free online medical instruction.Linking Words