The body needs a proper rest from the daily hectic roster. In recent times, most of the people struggle to take sleep
required to get rejuvenated.
can cause numerous issues in future
as headache, feeling fatigued and others.
, there are certain measures that can be taken to resolve
concerning area, either by creating a proper schedule or by taking a break in regular intervals.
contemporary era, mankind is running behind its endless desire.
is the reason they only work towards achieving their goals and always occupied in competing with others, due to which, they ignore the vital ingredient for the health, which is a sound seven hours of sleep.
, they complain about several health issues
as headache, dizziness, and others which in turn even affect their daily schedule. More so, an unhealthy routine will cause fatigue and dullness throughout which will have an adverse effect on our brain and on intellectual decision making power.
, an article in – “The Times”- stated that 70% population of China is suffering from sleep disorders
as tiredness, cervical and other as their generation is working for 15 to 16 hours a day at a stretch to compete with the outer world.
These problems need an immediate solution else we can not think of a better future for our upcoming generation. There are various methods of fixing these issues. The
and foremost is the creation of timetable or schedule that can establish a balance between work and giving a breather to the body. Along with that, irregular sleep issue can be resolved by taking a nap twice in a day for at least 4 hours each.
will assist in following the thumb rule of seven to eight hours overnight sleep and support in coping with the daily routine.
, as per survey performed on 10 people in Spain, observes that 5 people, who had taken relaxation in 2 parts for minimum 4 hours each, is able to overcome the wellness issues that we mention above along with their assignments.
In conclusion, in today’s world, most of the people are facing issues in taking complete rest and sleep which is needed for their body. Due to
, they suffer from unwanted diseases and same can be overcome by basic step
as better planning of task accomplishment and by taking rest in at least 2 sections of the day.