modern world, every individual is suffering from any of the health hazard owing to their lifestyle. Linking Words
, there are predominantly two contrasting views where a section of society vehemently deems that one should take care of their own about their fitness; others emphasize that authorities ought to take some responsibilities about it. In my opinion, coalitions of government and individual would result in a healthy lifestyle.
Fundamentally, various factor makes a section of society advocates that a healthy life is a responsibility of an individual, and there are myriad reasons to substantiate. Linking Words
and foremost, the decision of an individual about the type of meal he or she eats is a former factor behind their health. Linking Words
In other words
, if people highly rely on fast food than home-made food, they could suffer from more health problems; Linking Words
, a human is directly responsible for their behaviour. In Canada, Linking Words
for example
, every person includes 70% raw snack in their diet in order to improve their fitness.
Linking Words
, many people believe that the government is Linking Words
responsible for public well-being. Chiefly, the government must provide better facilities of the hospitals in urban areas and dispensaries in rural areas for ease in the access of emergency. By providing so, dwellers could approach these facilities to improve their lifestyle. Linking Words
, authorities must keep an eagle sight on the eatable things for their purity, which, in turn, provide citizens with a better quality of food.
In conclusion, Linking Words
some people think that maintaining fitness is a work of an individual and other said that state alone can include some effort to improve it, in my view, the handshake between public and ministry would improve behaviour effectively.Linking Words