People today increasingly use credit cards to make monthly purchases. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
Since the technologies made a step beyond our imagination of the world, people have started to pay by cards faster and more convenient.
, in today’s society, humans commenced using those cards every day for anything that a current individual wants to buy. Linking Words
, there some disadvantages of using Linking Words
cards, I strongly believe that advantages overweigh drawbacks of Use synonyms
payment method.
Linking Words
, the primary benefit of using current payment mode is that a person does not require taking cash when that individual is going somewhere outside. Linking Words
, it is really simple to take your Linking Words
card and go shopping without an abundant amount of money in the wallet. Use synonyms
In other words
, a person cannot take a lot of money with you in your wallet, and with a plastic card, there can be any amount. Linking Words
For example
, when a person buys an expensive car, they can't pay with cash, because it's a lot of money and it weighs a lot. Linking Words
, cashless payments are the best way to make purchases.
Linking Words
, the worthiest part of using a plastic card is cyber attacks. It means that if the bank has glitches in its security system Linking Words
can be used by hackers to create backdoors. Linking Words
, Linking Words
type of online theft is very popular nowadays due to the fact that every program has its own holes in the system. Linking Words
For instance
, Linking Words
year, hackers from California broke into one of the largest United States banks and stole millions of dollars from ordinary citizens. Linking Words
, Linking Words
cards have their drawbacks, but they are not as significant compared to the advantages.
To conclude, I strongly believe that Use synonyms
cards are the future and without them, it would be much more difficult for humanity to live in modern society.Use synonyms
Submitted by eshwar10882 on
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