some people believe that it is best to accept a bad situation, such as an unsatisfactory job or shortage of money, others argue that it is better to try and improve such conditions. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

Everyone goes through a bad phase in
and different people react differently to
situations. Some people try to accept the scenario and move on with
, whereas others try to work hard and bring a change in their lives. I believe it is good to put maximum effort and improve the condition rather than accepting
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fate and settling for something less.
, nobody is exempted from difficulties or bad phases in
. At one or the other stage, people are unhappy and frustrated with their lives.
For example
, we see a number of employees in an office, who are not enjoying their current job or struggling with financial problems or domestic issues within the family. Few people believe that
is part of their fate and they do not try to come out of it,
as a result
, they learn to live with those issues.
can cause serious damage to mental health and lead to depression in
group of human beings need to change their attitude while facing a problem.
On the other hand
, there are people with
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ositive attitude and are not scared of facing any kind of situation in
. When
throws an issue at them, they try to come out of it,
of living with it.
, they try to understand where they went wrong, which lead to
situation and they will put an extra effort to come out of that scenario and bring a positive change in
For instance
, if someone is not satisfied with the current job, they do not stick to it,
, they start attending interviews so that they can find a better job as per their needs.
, when there is a shortage of money, rather than accepting the bad phase, they focus on resolving the issue and finding new ways of making money. In conclusion, I agree with the notion of trying hard to come out of any problem
that is
thrown, rather than sitting idle and going with the flow. Dynamic people enjoy new challenges and they are least bothered about issues in
. One should develop an attitude of being always positive and deal
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any circumstance in a calm and composed manner.
Submitted by niranjan.appaji on

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