Global warming is a critical issue
that is
currently happening in Linking Words
contemporary world. There are two predominantly contradicting debates are being argued. While, a portion of the people are saying that the main environmental issue is the extinction of some kinds of animals and plants, and another part is thinking that there are other major environmental problems like global warming. Linking Words
essay will discuss both the views and I will provide my opinion with a logical conclusion.
On the one hand, it is the responsibility of each individual to safeguard animals and plants in their purview. They balance nature and save human beings from natural disasters. To be more precise, plants release Oxygen and absorb Carbon Dioxide to neutralize nature. Linking Words
, plants are under extinction due to increased pollution, paper production and etcetera. Linking Words
In addition
, animals are being killed by people for food and medicines. Linking Words
As a result
, there are several environmental issues that are being faced. Linking Words
For instance
, the average rainfall has decreased by 17% from the past 2 years consecutively due to reduction in the number of trees.
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On the other hand
, there are several other important environmental problems that are currently happening and expected more in the future. A global effect is increasing at an alarming rate due to an increase in pollution and fossil-fuels consumption. Linking Words
, there is damage to the Ozone layer in the Atmospheric layers of the Earth. Eventually, causing skin diseases to human beings. Linking Words
, there is a gradual increase in the rainfall every year due to the rise in sea levels. Linking Words
For example
, there is a record percentage of increase in Atmospheric warming as per the United States survey results.
To conclude, while, I agree the main environmental issues are the death of plants and wild animals, there are several other environmental degradation aspects like global warming takes high priority. I opine that mankind needs support to lead a safer life, before worrying about the other species.Linking Words