Work is being done on the street where you live. The noise is disturbing you. Write a letter of complaint to your local council. In your letter: introduce yourself explain what the problem is suggest solutions to the problem

Hello Mr Allain, I am writing
letter to complain about work which is being done on the street near my living place. My name is Stevin Clock, and I live at Kingsford Street number 28. Currently, I stay at my house every day since I am working from home.
, during the
five days, I have been disturbed by the
of machines used in the road construction as the activity is being done from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. every day. As I usually sleep at 10 p.m. every night, it is very disturbing my sleeping time, resulting in
Correct article usage
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loss of concentration when I wake up and do my work the whole day. As I am one of the people who is sensitive to
, I need your help to solve
, I would suggest that the local council can improve
situation by installing some insulation on the site to reduce
, the timetable of the working hours should be well managed to avoid working at night
Remove the comma
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and apply a new strategy to drill the road with less
. I hope that you can consider the requirements, and I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, Stevin.
Submitted by riani.the2 on

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task achievement
Task Response: You have effectively addressed all parts of the task by introducing yourself, explaining the problem, and suggesting solutions. However, adding more specific details could strengthen your argument.
coherence cohesion
Coherence and Cohesion: The letter has a clear logical structure with appropriate paragraphs, making it easy to follow. Try using more linking words to improve the flow between ideas.
coherence cohesion
Your letter is well-organized, with each paragraph focusing on a single idea.
task achievement
The tone of your letter is polite yet assertive, which is very appropriate for a complaint letter.
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