Governments should spend money on railways rather than roads. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The transportation system of any city plays a major role in its development and its citizens’ level of comfort.
, it is of incredible importance that the government wisely allocates its money, whether it be in transportation, education, or healthcare.
essay will discuss why I strongly agree that it is far more important to develop the railways’ infrastructure for
rather than the roads’ for
and foremost, many citizens work far away from their homes,
require long commuting hours.
, commuting by train is becoming increasingly less expensive than it used to.
In contrast
, whose expenses increase with time as they become older and have more issues with the engine.
For instance
, a recent article published by Harvard Business Review concluded that if the railways were more developed and if the
went to more places, many people would opt out of buying a car and choose public transport over having the headache of driving themselves to work every day.
, public means of transportation, are the more environmentally conscious option. Meaning, it is in our ultimate long-term benefit for governments to invest more money on railways than roads. To put it
in other words
, the carbon dioxide emitted by
is nowhere near the amount that would have been emitted if all the riders on the train were to have a separate car to drive themselves.
, which are generally regularly used in big cities, could be the answer to the current epidemic of rising water levels and global warming. To conclude, because it is more economically wise for people to be taking
rather than buy
to drive themselves and since it is better for the environment to decrease the carbon emission from
, I strongly agree that governments should allocate more money towards developing railways rather than roads.
Submitted by fatmaalshakarchi on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Carbon emissions
  • Mass transportation
  • Traffic congestion
  • Economic growth
  • Regional development
  • Initial investment
  • Feasibility
  • Flexibility
  • Rural areas
  • Integration
  • Sustainable
  • Efficiency
  • Infrastructure
  • Commuters
  • Public expenditure
  • Autonomous vehicles
  • Long-term investment
  • Accessibility
  • Connectivity
  • Modal shift
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