Today's era is basically known as soft copy communications medium because the communication technology is so advanced that within a moment of the hour , lots of tasks can be completed or solved without the delay in response irrespective of any time zone. As we know that every statement has its both side of the face, it will be addressed in the following paragraphs.
Due to Utilization of manpower is put to productive use ,and it is a blessing where there is a scarcity of manpower.
transmission of a message , it is no longer mandatory to write handwritten letters. Correct article usage
the modern
, it saves lots of dependability in the Linking Words
party and travelling time. Linking Words
For example
, In order to post a letter, one has to travel all the way to the main post office unless the post box is in the vicinity of the residence. Linking Words
, Instant response and throughput. The time it takes to reach the destination, within that frame of an interval , the tasks Linking Words
gets completed or Correct pronoun usage
in process.
Add a missing verb
are already
,Linking Words
Correct article usage
On the other hand
, To start with, Certain educational institutions have enforced a pupil to send a handwritten letter; Linking Words
For instance
, In order to admit a graduate student into a university, there is a requirement of a document of recommendation from the college where they have studied ,Linking Words
, through which they get to authenticate the student. Linking Words
, Still, government institutions mandate the individual to write a parchment in order to claim their retirement savings or granting them a loan, as it might be due to their conventional way of working and keep a record for the same.
In a nutshell, I would like to agree that it is unnecessary to write parchment since we have Linking Words
advanced messaging technology. Though we might be advanced, still there are lot many factors as discussed above Linking Words
us to write a hard copy ; Correct pronoun usage
that mandates
, We are advancing towards electronic media in all walks of life.Linking Words