Some people think that schools are too competitive and that this has a negative impact on children. Others believe the competitive environment encourages children to achieve.

The issue of what kind of environment should be provided by schools has long been a thorny
many feel that the level of competitiveness found within education is excessive, others believe that it is necessary in order to inspire
to excel. The case against excessive competition in school is a compelling
. By definition, not everyone can win a contest: where
child wins, another loses. Should a child lose consistently, he may be demotivated in his studies or dismissed by his peers, which could in turn lead to feelings of inadequacy and even a lack of drive later in
, many believe that bringing out other qualities in
would be more beneficial.
For example
, former US President Franklin D. Roosevelt strongly advocated the promotion of co-operation over competition as a far more useful
skill. Were it the case that
were taught to work with
of against each other, they may go on to accomplish far more.
On the other hand
, learning to compete has its benefits too. Many argue that it better prepares the next generation for the real world. Whether they are applying to a top university, seeking a new promotion, or running their own company, adult
is full of experiences where
is in competition with others. If pupils are primed for
from an early age, they are perhaps more likely to push themselves harder to succeed as adults. Take students from Asia as an example: they are often raised in an extremely competitive environment and,
as a result
, tend to achieve more academically than western
To conclude
it is clear that
is not a straightforward issue.
, I believe that as much as learning to compete is an essential
skill in today’s world, co-operation between
be at the forefront of education to ensure a balanced future generation.
Submitted by Nghỉ hè vui vẻ cả nhà on

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