It has been observed that the air condition is degrading faster than anticipated which has
caused an impact on climate. The pollutants in the air are at the rise which has made an adverse effect on the lives of everyone. Linking Words
essay intends to discuss the causes of pollution and its effect on the environment.
Linking Words
, an increase in automobiles on road poses a great risk on the conditions of the atmosphere. Due to the economic growth, there has been a substantial increase in the number of vehicles which emanates smoke that mixes with the air making it more poisonous. Not just that, there has been published reports stating that transport exhausts are one of the most alarming reasons for the change in atmospheric pressure. Due to Linking Words
reason, the ozone layer has been affected causing more harm to the environment being a potential threat to many lives.
Linking Words
, industrial waste is Linking Words
considered as a culprit to a great degree. The industrial wastes and toxic materials which are the residue of the finished products are nowhere to be decomposed so often dumped that has made a tremendous impact on the environment. Linking Words
For example
, it was found that a chemical industry, Neuron was found to have released 250 thousand tons of waste Linking Words
year. Linking Words
has can Linking Words
lead to many environmental issues in a long run.
To summarize, a large number of remnants of finished products have turned out to be an enemy of the surrounding and can be mitigated by taking measures to recycle or dump them. Linking Words
these cannot be diminished, perhaps we can take certain steps to ensure it has vast implications Linking Words
our atmosphere. Verify preposition usage
, the government has introduced and regulated policies and enforced upon people so that Linking Words
harm could be controlled.Linking Words