The topic of homework has always been controversial and ambivalent.
, there are various opinions and one of them is that home task should be obligatory because it is a crucial aspect of maintaining beneficial information which was obtained by students at school. Frankly speaking, I agree with Linking Words
statement and in Linking Words
essay would like to substantiate my point of view
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, Linking Words
task provides the opportunity to reiterate received knowledge by implementing certain tasks. Correct article usage
the home
, it is a great capacity to deal with obscure stuff by yourself. Linking Words
For example
, I read the article a few days ago which is said that according to scientific research the most helpful way to keep the knowledge in mind is by repeating the information in the form of complicated exercises which burden people’s brain.
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, there are different cases in which apprentices can not digest the full amount of information Linking Words
as lack of time because in the majority of schools lesson lasts approximately 40 minutes or poor quality of teaching. Linking Words
For instance
, in seventh grade, I had a math teacher who just graduated from University and did not have proper work experience with children. It was near impossible to understand his explanations. Linking Words
, homework and independent studying assisted me to figure out and learn the basics of mathematics.
In conclusion, I would like to say that home task should be a mandatory part of pupils’ studying path. The reason is that it enables them to retain the full amount of knowledgeLinking Words