Globalisation has brought both boon and bane to human life. Progress brings a lot of changes in the overall development of anything, so is with health. Nowadays it is easy to take precautionary measures than opting to go for treatment of any disease as it becomes very expensive to cope with the same. I agree with the statement and I will discuss
in the following paragraphs.
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To begin
with, globalisation has made everything so easily accessible to an individual that a person can bring anything or everything to his doorstep by making a phone call to the desired place. Linking Words
, it is easy to call someone to come up with preventive measures but it is very difficult to match the cost expectancies of that company. Linking Words
For example
, if a person wants to get himself treated for cancer it takes a huge amount of money that needs to be spent for the cure. And, which is not affordable for everyone in society. Linking Words
, one must always get himself checked up in some laboratory or by a doctor every six months so as to meet the expenses in case he foresees any hint of his bad health.
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In addition
, one must not only think of oneself rather he should get each member of his family ready to go for their routine checkups so that they can recover themselves by intaking the necessary vitamins or proteins which are lacking in their bodies. Linking Words
, it not only prepares a man to meet future expenditure but at the same time makes a person aware of the situation of his Linking Words
which they cannot see Use synonyms
. Linking Words
For instance
, a child who is underweight due to some reason which does not know can meet the desired Linking Words
mass by knowing the actual position of the human Use synonyms
. Use synonyms
As a result
, the head of the family is not burdened with unforeseen expenses.
To conclude, I would say everyone around the globe everyone should undergo daily check-ups for their Linking Words
not only to be prepared for future costs but Use synonyms
to be aware of the condition of their organs.Linking Words