In many countries today there are many highly qualified graduates without employment. What factors may have caused this situation and what, in your opinion, can/should be done about it?

There is an ascending trend in the numbers of
who are unemployed regardless of their valuable academic careers or their high capacity in many countries. In my opinion, the main reason behind the problem is that lack of investment in the current sector and
new businesses and factories should have been encouraged by governments.
To begin
with, one of the main reasons behind
is that the government is reluctant to spend money for the development of many areas and for
reason, new job opportunities are not able to be created.
, the behemoth amount of tax is taken by the government has not given a conducive environment to set up a company and
as a result
of it,
have been avoiding establishing a new business.
For instance
, companies should pay 25 per cent of taxes from their income in Turkey, which is why taxes are discouraging new investments and young entrepreneurs.
, joblessness can be seen among skilled individuals.
, it is important to bear in mind that new employment opportunities should be created by the authorities in order to do that more funding and investments should be spent for the current businesses and new sectors. By doing
, job sectors can be expanded and as a consequence of it,
can find a workplace with regards to their aspects and skills.
, especially new business can be supported with attractive incentives in order to reduce joblessness.
For example
, Estonia is giving a tax discount and many advantages
as equipment and office to IT companies.
, worldwide companies and
are willing to set up a new business, which is why there are many jobs and works were created there for qualified
. To summarize, many skilled individuals have been suffering from joblessness nowadays in many countries.
essay demonstrated that one of the main reason behind the high unemployment numbers is inadequate funding which is provided by the government and as a
argument, unfair taxes rates can be seen as a significant priority. As a viable solution, the amount of invested money should be increased and new entrepreneurs should be encouraged with incentives
as tax discounts.
Submitted by serhat.kayaa3 on

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