It is a great debate between community members whether a part-time job may provide opportunities for a job or will hinder scholars from completing their studies effectively.As we see nowadays because of huge technological evolution, many individuals tend to have some tasks
their studies, which I extremely agree with.
One point is that some population think work may cause a distraction for juniors ,and decrease their application quality. Linking Words
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public need pupils to focus more on their studies and learning process,Linking Words
for example
, they just go to school and come back home to memorize and study their lectures. Linking Words
point of view greatly emphasizes undergraduates .Linking Words
As a result
, they will miss gradually a crucial part of social life, like meeting new folk and detecting some different cultures.
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On the other hand
,working along with study helps them to gain new skills and experience ,irrespective to the field which they work in .Linking Words
for instance
knowing how the world is ongoing ,Linking Words
in addition
,learning patience,hard-working and many other good characteristics Linking Words
they will be capable of gaining money to use it not only for buying their special items but Linking Words
to go for picnics and journeys and enjoy I think that a part-time career along with class is important from all perspectives.
To conclude , there may be many attitudes and points of view towards the issue of having a part-time activity or being free for studying only.I see that if learners are working and studying at the same time ,Linking Words
will open their minds and comprehension levels,Linking Words
it will have a better impact on their lives.Linking Words