Some people say that the main environmental problem of our time is the loss of particular species of plants and animals. Others say that there are more important environmental problems. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

The world is facing its biggest environmental threat in recent times which can be attributed to several factors. Some people argue that the dominant problem is the loss of
while others believe we have many more grave challenges. While, I agree with the argument that loss of flora and fauna is a huge problem, yet, upsurge in global temperatures, pollution and unprecedented climate changes constitute a larger threat. The proportion of forest area on our planet is decreasing continuously but the decline in recent times has been considerable and worrying.
For instance
, due to the rise in population and to ensure houses for people, there has been a massive depletion of trees and other
is causing calamities
as flooding, cyclones etcetera, which has caused severe damage in recent times.
In addition
, as we are slowly capturing the forest area, the natural habitat of many
is getting affected
causing the extinction of various species
disturbing the natural balance.
For example
, if the number of lions and tigers keep on decreasing it will result in an increase in the number of herbivorous
which will lead to
depletion of
, apart from the depletion of flora and fauna, we are faced with the massive environmental challenge of global warming. With the rise in industrial activities and vehicles on the roads, the carbon footprint has increased manyfold in recent years.
is the main reason for rising global temperatures and climate disturbances.
For instance
, it has been predicted that by 2050 many coastal cities will cease to exist due to the melting of glaciers and an alarming rise in sea levels. In conclusion,
, the problem of depleting
is a hazardous proposition, yet, other major issues like global warming cannot be ignored. The need of the hour is to acknowledge these changes and governments across the world should look at alternative sources of energy and have a separate budget allocated to ensure a sustainable environment.
Submitted by g.aviral91 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • biodiversity
  • extinction
  • habitat loss
  • ecosystem
  • food chain
  • imbalance
  • interconnected
  • climate change
  • pollution
  • personal actions
  • policy changes
  • education
  • awareness
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