Many museums charge for admission while other are free. Do you think the advantages of charging people for admission to museums outweigh the disadvantages?

The admission
levied by certain museums is debatable. Some people are of the opinion that museums should charge a
while others consider that they should not.
trend has got its own benefits
as monetary gain that will be helpful for the maintenance but it
has drawbacks like decrease in the number of people.
, I strongly believe that the merits outnumber the demerits in many ways. There are three important advantages of charging an entrance
to the visitors.
, it leads to the generation of income because a huge sum of money is needed for its daily care.
For example
, the yearly expenses of the Lokmanya Tilak
in Ratnagiri, which is around ten lakh rupees, is recovered from the total accumulated fees.
, it
contributes to the
expansion plans of the place. To be precise, additional items could be brought and the existing facility can be enlarged to incorporate new things on display.
, it is generally seen that society values something
that is
paid and pays less attention to the free ones in a long period of time.
, there are two major disadvantages of levying an entry charge to the interested individuals.
To begin
, the number of visitors may decline because it is usually seen that very few are genuinely inclined towards visiting a
. An excess financial burden might demobilize quite many folks.
, society can question the need for an entry
as a part of their tax is already utilized for the
’s maintenance.
For instance
, a certain percentage of our income tax is dedicated by the government for maintaining
structures. To conclude, after having a glance at the above explanation, I truly feel that there are pros and cons of having a
for a visit to a
but I think the advantages definitely outweigh the disadvantages. It is recommended that coordination between the
and the society can work wonders for both.
Submitted by drninadkotkar on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Admission fee
  • Revenue stream
  • Maintenance
  • Overcrowding
  • Commercialization
  • Cultural heritage
  • Diverse attendance
  • Community ownership
  • Access to culture
  • Visitor experience
  • Exhibit quality
  • Cultural mission
  • Reliance on funding
  • Government subsidies
  • Cultural accessibility
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