the issue of travelling to other places has been raising a lot of debates. Some might say that these activities can substantially help people broaden their horizons by getting in touch with others, know the diversity of different countries and relax after working hard.
On the contrary
, insist on the opinion that going to another nation costs so much money and wastes time. Viewing from a general perspective, I personally agree with the former opinion for the following reasons.
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To begin
with, travelling around the world has a beneficial effect on the development of people’s mindset. Linking Words
, meeting another person from other places by discovering another state leads them to open their knowledge. Linking Words
For example
, if we have a chance to talk with Singaporean, we can know how their government can keep the environment clear and Linking Words
we get the awareness of protecting our habitat. Linking Words
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is an opportunity for everyone to adapt to a new culture. Linking Words
For instance
, in Viet Nam, all crowd always use chopsticks which are highlighted in the traditional civilization of Vietnamese and tourists can try it if they come to VietNam for travelling. ,Linking Words
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the people can release their pressure by taking a trip that helps them have a comfortable spirit so that they work more productively than others.
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On the other hand
, some people think that touring to different places is a waste of time and money and somebody does not have enough money to pay for it. Linking Words
many tourists may create pollution by throwing garbage, cans and something like that. Linking Words
, travellers are the ones who contribute to the development of tourism and the economy of the nation.
In conclusion, nowadays the population travelling to other countries have so many positives that outweigh the damages. Linking Words
, tourism Linking Words
provides economic benefit to the country where it comes from.Linking Words