some people think that government should ban dangerous sports while others think people should have freedom to do anysports or activity. Discuss both views and give your opinion

Whether people should be able to freely choose the
or activities they want to partake in has become a topic of discussion.
some people argue that dangerous
should be restricted, I firmly believe that the decision should lie with the players. On the one hand, it is true that dangerous
can come with several risks to the participants. Players always face life-threatening perils once they decide to take part in extreme
, especially those that involve highly specialized
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, namely skydiving,
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motor racing
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, or mountain climbing.
experienced the participants are, though rare, chances are that the required equipment can malfunction,
causing the participants fatal wounds or even deaths.
For instance
, in May
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2021, a first-time skydiver and his experienced instructor were hospitalized
due to
parachute malfunctions in McLaren Vale, Australia.
On the other hand
, I firmly advocate
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the idea that players should have the autonomy to partake in any sport. To start with, one’s well-being is first and foremost within their individual liberties,
, banning a person from chasing their passion is unreasonable, especially when they have fully acknowledged the threats that come with it. For adrenaline junkies, extreme
give them pleasure. Preventing them from
as skydiving or snowboarding equals taking away their source of happiness.
, in reality, the preparation for these dangerous
is always painstaking in order to reduce the chance of mortality.
For example
, one would need to pass a skydiving certification course if
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to skydive solo. In conclusion,
are dangerous in some ways, I am of the opinion that they can be beneficial to the players’ mental well-being and
should not be prohibited.
Submitted by Nghỉ hè vui vẻ cả nhà on

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task achievement
Your essay provides a complete response to the task by discussing both viewpoints and offering your own opinion. This demonstrates a strong understanding of the prompt.
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To enhance your essay, consider providing slightly more detailed analysis or counterarguments to further strengthen your discussion.
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You have a clear and logical structure, making it easy to follow your ideas. The essay includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion, which is excellent.
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To improve coherence and cohesion, ensure that each paragraph flows smoothly into the next with appropriate transitional phrases. This will make your essay even more cohesive.
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Your main points are well-supported with relevant examples and explanations, adding depth to your arguments.
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Great introduction and conclusion that clearly present the topic and your viewpoint.
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Effective use of specific examples, such as the skydiving incident in May 2021, to support your points.
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Clear and comprehensive ideas are effectively communicated, with strong arguments for both viewpoints.
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