Whether healthcare should be operated by profit-oriented providers is up for debate. I believe there will be profound repercussions if humanitarian services are controlled by enterprises.
and foremost, Linking Words
phenomenon will enlarge the gap between the wealthy and the deprived. If medical systems are designed for being profit chasing, limited manpower and resources will be occupied by the top 1% of the population and Linking Words
will force the poor resort to suffer from curable disease and lower the possibility of survival. Countries without public Linking Words
services, Use synonyms
as the US, are one of the regions where underprivileged people are trapped in a vicious circle of being ill without insurance covers for prohibitive medical bills. Linking Words
, fundamental research often involves long-term investment, which may not be seen as profitable, and could be dismissed due to funding issues. The new mRNA vaccines for COVID19, Linking Words
for example
, took more than 20 years of investment and are lifesavers during Linking Words
Linking Words
On the other hand
, there are various problems for non-profit Linking Words
service providers. Financial support is a constant challenge. Regions with national Use synonyms
services, even though with aid from governments, are still plagued by the disruptive fraud of service takers. Some patients. as Use synonyms
of example, may visit the emergency unit for less serious symptoms and wear out medical staff. Add an article
a way
, doctors and nurses are losing their motivation towards advanced research and techniques. Taiwan, which is famous for affordable Linking Words
infrastructure, Use synonyms
for instance
, is facing the looming trend of scarce youngsters in the healthcare workforce.
In conclusion, governments should seek a balance of profit-oriented and Linking Words
care systems to offer the public a sustainable society.Use synonyms