The business represents an organised effort of an individual or group of individuals engaged in making a living. Advancement of technology has impacted mostly on micro seller
toCorrect pronoun usage
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shut their enterprise. There are
reasons why small enterprises winding up
price and constraint in stocking the variety of products. I
that it is
advantageousAdd an article
the advantageous
an advantageous
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processAdd the particle
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for the development of a country.
One of the
Correct your spelling
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principleCorrect your spelling
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cause of
diminishingCorrect article usage
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of sole traders is
liberalizationAdd an article
the liberalization
a liberalization
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economyAdd an article
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and foreign investment. To gain
customerCorrect article usage
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base multinational companies triggers a price war with local vendors which reduces the profits
enforcing micro traders to lock their businesses.
Amazon gave big discounts on their website to expand their market reach which hampers the growth of small shops owners.
, economic development has certain repercussion on micro industries.
, due to hectic lifestyle people prefer to visit a store where they can find different items under one roof.
As sole traders are diminishing due to
riseCorrect article usage
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in multinational brands ultimately boost the production and maximize the utilization of
with minimum wastage
productAdd an article
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more economical and
, China has
reduceChange the verb form
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the input cost by increasing productivity.
, shutting sole enterprise has certain benefits in
longerAdd an article
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, micro industries are mostly unorganised
its reduction will uprise the organise sector and help governments to increase tax revenue which could be
invested in economic and social causes.
To conclude, small and big businesses have
itsCorrect pronoun usage
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own pros and cons
by Change preposition
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promoting the organise sector helps to raise the economic structure and individuals standard of living.