It is not too distant past, the life expectancy was too low all over the world. Due to the advancement of science and technology, the longevity of humans has been nearly doubled or even tripled in some parts of the world. Despite believing it is a progressive movement, it seems that there are some negative repercussions that could be visible, especially, in economically deprived countries.
essay will support my view in the following paragraphs.
There are a number of compelling pieces of evidence to support the reasons for the improved lifespan. Linking Words
and foremost, unprecedented advancements in the field of medical science contribute to having better health. Linking Words
In other words
, sophisticated equipment to diagnose most of the deadly diseases at the early stage along with time management by using highly potential medicines, Linking Words
as vaccines, immunisations, and antibiotic, incorporate with skilled doctors prevents mankind’s immature death. Eventually, the majority of the human population tend to live longer.
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development somewhat tensely observed by many scientists since both developing and underdeveloped countries seems to be encountered an array of consequences. The fundamental problem could be insufficient resources to meet even the basic requirements of the citizens since a huge fund would be allocated for the welfare of the old generation; Linking Words
, these places may witness an acute shortage of money and materials for the development of public infra-structures Linking Words
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can rarely occur as these states are well-prepared to alleviate the possible shortcomings. Linking Words
For instance
, poor countries are funded by affluent nations to eliminate the problems related to the old age population explosion.
In conclusion, after looking at reasons and possible outcomes of improved longevity, even though it has some demerits when it comes to the bigger picture, basically humans are benefited. It is predicted that in the future one could be able to live up to 150 years.Linking Words