Recently , purchasing own
has increased in countries and abundant
tend to have their privet
. In my view , the demerits of
idea are more than
theCorrect your spelling
show examples
merit. In the following
the negative and positive points will be discussed .
as an environmental problem would be the most
powerReplace the word
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full disadvantage of providing automobiles .
carCorrect article usage
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decreases the public transportation used .
harmReplace the word
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full fuel emissions which are generated by
Add an article
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consumption of
carAdd an article
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is known as the most reason for creating
, if a person is used to biking to work
of driving
ownCorrect pronoun usage
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device ,
will be more clear because any fuel is not produced.
, the
drawback of buying individual vehicles would be the fact that
Correct your spelling
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green houseCorrect your spelling
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gasses are created by carbon dioxide manufactured by automobiles .
, global warming
areChange the verb form
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because of
Correct your spelling
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green houseCorrect your spelling
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gasses generation that melts ices from
surfaceAdd an article
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of rivers and ocean .
, many
of Change preposition
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disasters can
be happenedChange to the active voice
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PhilippineCorrect article usage
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that Correct pronoun usage
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had considerable environmental damages
extinctionAdd an article
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of some species in the ocean .
There fore Correct your spelling
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, if the publics buy
carAdd an article
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, they will have a
motivationsCorrect the article-noun agreement
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to use it rather than the public transportation that it would be harmless for
environmentAdd an article
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because of machines ' bad fuel produced and it makes
and global warming .
InChange preposition
show examples
the other hand , the main advantage of taking the
owned Replace the word
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is the more
use individual devices , the less spacious are destroyed in the natural environment. Apparently , when
do not have a
, they have to take
the Correct article usage
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publicsCorrect your spelling
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vehicles . So , it needs enough space .
, manufacturing
Correct your spelling
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rail waysCorrect your spelling
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subwayCorrect article usage
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needs more spaces than
, development in
the Correct article usage
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public transportation can not be possible unless some natural environments are used and destroyed for the target .
In conclusion , in my view , despite the fact that some regions are omitted for planning new public devices because of increasing
purchased ,it is harmless for
environmentAdd an article
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. Because
, Remove the comma
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the more
, the more
and global warming as
issues will
be appearedChange to the active voice
show examples