Human activity has had a negative impact on plants and animals around the world. Some people think that this cannot be changed, while others believe actions can ben taken to bring about a change. Discuss both and give your opinion.

Technological advancement has created adverse effects on the biodiversity of our country and has led to the extinction of varied species of plants and
. Most
think that we can be devoid of
difficult situations if humans become more responsible,
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think it is impossible to curtail minds from being irresponsible. I contend with the fact that change in oneself can bring a change to the world. The following essay will discuss how gravely plant and animal habitations are affected by us and what measures can be taken to protect them. Forests are a natural habitat for a plethora of plants,
and birds. Our need to lead a sophisticated life has led to the destruction of forests.
should be aware that animal attacks,
getting into town are the result of wiping off and knocking down their homes. When living beings do not have a secure place for life, they get to the cities in search of food, shelter and become vulnerable when they feel unsafe.
As a result
, they attack human beings, even kidnap and snatch babies when nobody is around.
For example
, recent news about tigers and leopards roaming in busy streets at night, looking out for food is extremely appalling. I see all
nature's way of punishing
for scarring their lives.
, changes in human's behaviour and some empathy towards the wildlife resources might stop
from happening. The government should impose strict and stringent laws to punish hunters and groups that involve in deforestation.
should be educated on the importance of plants and their medicinal values and how imperative it is to protect them.
should not be caged, they should be let to survive in their natural environment. The government should
work towards setting up more organizations and involve more volunteers to protect these species. To conclude, I think
should join hands in protecting the natural resources of our country. Humans are more capable of bringing innovative ideas for the betterment of the nation.
Submitted by ramyamahatma on

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