contemporary era, advertisement is considered the main tool for selling products. Even, people fail to recognize their actual needs and end up buying things that are not so necessary. It is agreed that increased sales of popular goods are the outcome of powerful advertising. Analysing the advancement of technology and the tendency of human beings to value what they do not have will prove Linking Words
Linking Words
, the usage of technology is progressively on the rise. The marketing firms are making use of Linking Words
to showcase their newly launched and high demand products through mediums Linking Words
as television, radio and social media etc. Linking Words
For instance
, a person who does not have a premium membership on youtube, may not be able to watch a film without interruption of marketing videos. Linking Words
, popular brands use social platforms Linking Words
as Facebook and Instagram to sell their items. Linking Words
As a result
, nobody is able to spend a day without watching a single promotion programme.
Linking Words
, society is divided into different strata based on the wealth of people. Linking Words
, the poorer have a tendency to follow in the footsteps of affluent ones. Linking Words
For example
, a study conducted in America has shown that the majority of the participants value what they do not own than the things they actually possess. Linking Words
, they end up buying unnecessary items in order to match the status of the rich. Unfortunately, the organizations which sell appliances exploit Linking Words
basic human nature. Linking Words
, people will fall into Linking Words
trap without even their knowledge.
To sum up, I reiterate that, advertisement has the power to influence the sale of consumer items. Linking Words
,it is clear that the number of products sold and the impact of these sponsored programs is directly proportional.Linking Words