It is true that with the development of internet technologies, online communication has become an essential part of many workplaces.
, Linking Words
trend has a number of drawbacks together with advantages. Linking Words
, perception of Linking Words
modern trend is different from person to person.
When we look at the positive aspects of online communication in workplaces, we find numerous benefits. Linking Words
, employees save more time on the actual job rather than discussing their personal lives with the colleagues over a cup of the morning. Linking Words
, it helps to deal with the tension of face-to-face meetings. Linking Words
For instance
, some people feel uncomfortable and scared to express their opinions to management. Linking Words
, if they write an email, they can take time to fully express their point of view. Linking Words
, instant messaging is generally very fast. Linking Words
, if an employee needs some information from a colleague in another department, he/she can get information online within a short time.
On the negative side, the fact that people are distancing from each other can adversely affect mental well-being and job satisfaction. Obviously, in-person interaction facilitates healthy personality development and fosters social skills. Linking Words
For example
, in Linking Words
global companies like Google and Microsoft workplaces are arranged in a way where employees can interact with each other during the work process.
In short, online and face-to-face communications have numerous advantages. It is difficult to say that one is better than the other. Overall, I believe that people should understand their personal needs and strike a balance between both types of communications.Linking Words