More and more students are choosing to study at colleges and universities in foreign countries. Do the benefits of studying abroad outweigh the drawbacks? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words

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are opting to study in international colleges and institutions for higher levels rather than in their own countries.There are various advantages and disadvantages with
approach and I am going to discuss both sides in
essay. I believe that there are certain benefits in taking a course at universities abroad.
, the youth will get an opportunity to learn and experience the other countries culture which gives a lot of confidence in personality development.Many previous reports said that
are feeling quite confident with cross-cultural living habits.
can get employment easily and settle in their life which reduce the burden on their caretakers.
For example
, it has been observed that in 2019 employment survey showed that
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a huge
the huge
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number of abroad
got jobs after they return.
In addition
can learn to manage their own activities like cooking and cleaning of the house.
On the other hand
, with foreign
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there are few drawbacks as well.Parents of international
are going to miss their loved kids for few years leaving them sad.
For instance
, a survey conducted on different communities proved that families were unhappy whose kids are in other countries for study purpose.
,guardians will not have any aid at household tasks until their teenagers return causing a workload on them.Another survey on the elderly says few of the families are dependent on neighbours as their children are living far from them. In conclusion,studying in other nation colleges have benefits for
.Having said that, there are few losses as well.Considering the above discussion points, I am in agreement that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.
Submitted by kishore.likith on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Cross-cultural understanding
  • Specialized courses
  • Personal growth
  • Financial strain
  • Tuition
  • Cultural differences
  • Isolation
  • Homesickness
  • Educational systems
  • Academic performance
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