Government investment in the arts, such as music and theatre, is a waste of money. Government must invest this money in puplic services instead. Do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, craft faculties are invested by financial resources from the authorities have been built with a big number in the central area of big cities while the infrastructure of public assistance is not noted to put much money on their investment. I do agree that the government should spend much more money on these
, I do not think that they should not neglect the art investment. It is realized that public
are the necessary and vital elements in the community ’s daily life.
, public assistance
as hospitals, schools and the police are necessary for residents.
For example
, families could use their health treatment and are provided information and knowledge from educations in schools, they could receive the guarantee of safety from polices.
, it is recognized that public
are at least requirements for people. People could focus on arts unless they have been met the above demands.
, arts
play a significant role in their lives and are a part of national culture and economy.
For instance
, music in each nation is completely different.
In addition
, the entertainment industry earns more benefits from cinema, theatres, musical events.
, people listen to music for relaxation.
As a result
, it helps them to reduce the pressure and have more happiness.
they can prevent diseases and do not have to go to hospitals. To summarise, both arts and public
are necessary for society’s development, so the government should balance the expenditure adequately based on the community’s benefit. It is predicted that the expenditure of authorities’ funding should be considered carefully but spending on public
is still prior.
Submitted by hotuanhitech on

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