some people say that history is one of the most important school subjects. other people say that, in todays world, subjects like science and technology are more important than history. give your own opinion regarding this issue.

Nowadays, the World is running behind science and
. While some people believe that it is important to learn about the historic periods,
is because of how the world is transformed from ages. Many oppose as it is good to know about
and science rather than history. In my opinion teaching about ancient times are important as well as knowing the latest development.
will clearly explain in the ensuing paragraphs.
, educating the latest generations about the ancient culture will definitely help the students to know about the historic period. Since
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many freedom fighters lost their lives during wars for the sake of freedom and it is the only way to learn about them.
In addition
, there is a chance to know about how the constitution is developed and the ruling system by the kings.
For example
, in the olden
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there is no transportation provided by the government, there are only a few sources to travel
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places are by carts using bulls, horses and a few more to name. On the other side, the selection of subjects like science and
plays a keen role by which students get educated in
competitive society. In order to know about advanced
, it is
important to learn about its roots .
For Instance
, in order to know about the flight, history plays a major role in how it
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was established
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and what are the effects caused during the initial stage as compared to these modern days. To sum up, in my perspective learning both the subjects are important which helps
generations knowing about early stages of life, history and
the latest
, even though
has more changes, never forget about our roots.
Submitted by marubolu on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • cultural heritage
  • moral values
  • critical thinking
  • analytical skills
  • innovation
  • economic growth
  • global challenges
  • climate change
  • healthcare
  • problem-solving
  • practical skills
  • job market
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