With the ubiquity of social media and technology devices nowadays, some
are more likely to spend their time working or studying than doing recreational activities. Use synonyms
may have some negative effects on both the individual and society.
The primary cause of Linking Words
drastic reduction is the uncontrollable growth of social media and cyberspace. An update of a new version of a particular app tempts Linking Words
into embedding their eyes to the screen and some even become heavily addicted to those tempting platforms. Use synonyms
Linking Words
are keen on their hobbies and willing to spend hours enjoying them, social media has completely dissuaded them from their favourite activities and Use synonyms
, it takes hours before they can Linking Words
put the phone down. In other cases, Linking Words
nowadays are prone to becoming a workaholic who works around the clock just to satisfy their working desire or meet the needs of essentials for the families. Use synonyms
For instance
, my dad used to share the housework with my mom but since he had to work under higher pressure, he has rarely given her a hand in any chores in the house.
Linking Words
, its negative effect on society is intense, let alone on the individual. When Linking Words
spend less time for themselves, the national happiness’s rate decreases and so does the productivity at the workplace. According to a report I’ve read online, these Use synonyms
said they felt that they were working aimlessly without any enthusiasm and they were disoriented by the unrealistic on the internet. Use synonyms
, Linking Words
as a result
of sitting and staring at the screen or lack of physical activities, they accidentally pose a threat to their own health by increasing the chances of shortsightedness, melancholy or a reduction of brain function.
To conclude, Linking Words
should give their health and advantages priority over the attractive addiction by carefully considering what is better for them.Use synonyms