Some people believe that it is best to accept a bad situation, such as an unsatisfactory job or storage of money. Others argue that it is better to try and improve such situations. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

A number of general people believe that it is important to be accepting of negative circumstances when they occur, while others emphasise that it is better to try to seek solutions in
, I incline towards the latter opinion for two reasons, which will be explored in the ensuing essay.
To begin
with,The bad circumstances which is can't avoid bad position
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is working towards a better life.
In particular
, we often cannot avoid bad situations, since
position can’t always be avoided it is best to just accept the reality.
For example
, economic downturns can lead to the company we work for going bankrupt and in
case, we should not feel hard done by if we lose our job.
, unnecessary stress can be caused by dwelling on our current circumstances.
, backers of improving activity positions appeal to the fact that only by working towards a better activity, unsatisfactory situations might be recast.
is because any action would break the equilibrium, whether for good or for bad.
As a result
of making enough favourable changes, the overall life quality would definitely turn to better in the long run
, others argue that we should have a proactive attitude and find solutions to any negative predicament. The main benefit of
approach is that it may lead to eustress which helps to motivate us to find solutions.
For instance
, if we lose our job we should focus on finding a new job to solve the problem of being unemployed.
, focusing on explanation can divert some of our negative emotions
as a feeling of bad luck or guilt into more positive emotions
as feelings of empowerment in our ability to solve our problems. To conclude, I believe both sides of the argument have merits. I believe it’s better to focus on finding results because it increases the likelihood of solving our problems and maintaining a positive mental attitude, which is far more important than the benefits of avoiding stress through being accepting of our issue.
Submitted by mksabbir3439 on

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