day and age, a large number of the financial budget of a country has to spend on medical treatments for its citizens. Linking Words
, there has been a growing body of opinion that every resident ought to maintain his or her Linking Words
properly in order to help a nation indirectly rather than to achieve own gains. Being a rational mind, I, too, assent to Use synonyms
notion, for I am of the view that Linking Words
tendency would help governments invest money in other needy sectors and control contagious diseases.
Among the ratiocination to buttress my stance, the one that deals with the significance of looking after own Linking Words
for the benefits of society rather than personal gains as a way to allocate governments’ fund to other vital areas, Use synonyms
as education, security, to name but a few. Linking Words
In other words
, if individuals could take care of their Linking Words
efficiently by doing exercises, taking a balanced diet and suchlike, authorities of a country had not spent too much fund for recruiting medical staff, state-of-the-art equipment, and things like leaving more amount for crucial sectors. Use synonyms
For example
, in China, the country’s government is getting more chances to build advanced infrastructures only because the citizens of Linking Words
state are extremely fit and do not need too much medical aid. Linking Words
, it is the duty of the public to look after their wellness so as to build a strong economy.
Another critical rationale in reference to why people should take care of their own Linking Words
as social responsibility is necessarily synonymous with containing the spread of ailments. To be more precise, there are many disorders in Use synonyms
world that can be only controlled if human beings can focus on their Linking Words
and maintain distance from others for a certain time. Use synonyms
For instance
, an empirical study conducted by Oxford University reveals that the spreading of Coronavirus from one community to another can be contained easily provided that infected person can stay away from others at least for 14 days and wear a mask regularly. Linking Words
, it is the moral responsibility to look after own well-being with a view to building a healthy nation.
In conclusion, every citizen should maintain his own Linking Words
as a social duty in order to establish a strong and salubrious state.Use synonyms